Saturday, January 17, 2009

Parker's Black Belt

On Friday we had an exciting thing happen, Parker was able to test for his First Degree Black Belt! He did his Form, all 44 steps. Then he did his Weapon's with Double Nunchucks and Sparred another Black Belt. He had to break a green board with two different moves. His first move was an Upset Knifehand. He only has 3 tries for each move. He didn't break it. So he moved on to his kick. It was a Turn Outer Crescent. He broke it on his second try. So now, we know he hadn't passed. When everyone else had gone, Mr. Little called Parker back up and told him he had one finally shot at his Knifehand. If he didn't get it on the first try, he wouldn't pass. This time Parker went right through the board and PASSED!!!!! Parker had a goal to get his Black Belt before he turned 8, and he did it! He know has at least one year of training before he can test for his Seond Degree, we will keep you updated on how he is doing. Also, on a side note, even though I do not have any pictures, Colton received his Tiny Tiger Black Belt on Thursday. He still has at least a year and a half to two years before his Black Belt, but is so happy to have one right now. It was great to see Colton and Parker both reach a goal!

1 comment:

Raquel Koehler said...

AWESOME! Totally love the slideshow.